You can call me Daniel. Nice to meet you.
I am a keyboard player. Not a very good one, but one that really enjoys spending hours trying to recreate specific sounds with synths. To be more precise, I play in a Pink Floyd cover band,
Atmosfera, and we try to be perfectionists with sounds. I thought sharing this experience with you, pros and amateurs, could be useful. I don't do this for a living, just as a hobby, so quite likely you can have lots of suggestions to improve the fidelity of the sounds I'm trying to recreate.
In fact, I WANT you to give me suggestions on how to improve the patches I make here.
My setup is a Korg R3, a Tokai TX5 (Hammond simmulator) and some VSTs for other sounds (like pianos or brass). I'll focus here on the R3. It is a great emulator of vintage synths, that uses the sam generator as the MicroKorg, with an easy-to-use display and quite well designed knobs. One can also use the R3 Sound Editor, a PC program with a nice interface.
Korg R3 |
R3 Sound Editor |
Cool idea for a blog! You should update it more.